

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

Bear Lake with a fountain in the middle and buildings in the background on 十大菠菜台子's campus.


These courses cannot be used to satisfy any portion of the University requirement in 写作 proficiency or to satisfy any general education requirements for academic coursework.


所有学期大约为7周:  Fall I, Fall II, Winter I, Winter II, and Summer I (No ESL classes are offered during Summer II.)

课程表 校历

阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0018N

只适用于非英语母语人士. 旨在培养基本的英语语音能力, 词汇表, 以及对英语文本的理解能力. 先决条件(s):放置

阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0028N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助学生发展通用的阅读技巧和策略. 重视词汇量的发展, 自然读音和理解文本的基本阅读策略. Prerequisites: ESL 0018N or ESL 0118 with a grade B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0200).

三级-阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0038N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助学生培养学术目的的阅读技巧和策略. Emphasis on decoding and comprehension strategies with an emphasis on word formation techniques in English. Prerequisites: ESL 0028N or ESL 0228 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0300).

四级-阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0048N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助学生培养学术目的的阅读技巧和策略. 强调理解和记忆策略. Prerequisites: ESL 0038N or ESL 0338 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0400).

5级-阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0058N

只适用于非母语人士. Focus on developing reading comprehension skills and strategies and to develop critical thinking skills while increasing receptive 词汇表 skills. Prerequisites: ESL 0048N or ESL 0448 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0500).

6级-阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0068N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助学生培养学术目的的阅读技巧和策略. 强调批判性分析, 处理繁重的阅读负荷和发展适当的技术词汇. Prerequisites: ESL 0058N or ESL 0558 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0600).

7级-阅读和词汇发展:ESL 0078N

只适用于非母语人士. 旨在帮助学生完善阅读技巧和策略的学术目的. 强调批判性分析和细读技巧. Prerequisites: ESL 0068N or ESL 0668 or ESL 0080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0700).

8级-阅读和词汇发展研究:ESL 0088N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of reading and comprehending substantive research papers or theses. 重点将放在批判性思维技能和词汇发展上. Prerequisites: ESL 0078N or ESL 0778 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLR score of 0825).


写作和句子结构:ESL 0019N

只适用于非英语母语人士. Designed to build fundamental grammar skills in written English so that students can construct simple sentences. 先决条件(s):放置.

写作和技术:ESL 0029N

只适用于非母语人士. 在实践中发展基本的计算机素养, 打字, 以及运用科技的写作技巧. Prerequisites: ESL 0019N or ESL 0119 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0200).

三级-写作流畅性:ESL 0039N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed for students of ESL to improve 写作 skills in English with an emphasis on 写作 fluency and organizational techniques. Prerequisite: ESL 0029N or ESL 0229 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0300).

四级-写作和技术:ESL 0049N

只适用于非母语人士. 中级计算机素养培养的实践, 打字, 以及运用科技的写作技巧. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0039N or ESL 0339 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0400).


只适用于非母语人士. 强化语态的语法结构的深入研究和应用, 语法, 以及各种学术写作的衔接. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0049N or ESL 0449 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0500).

6级学术写作:ESL 0069N

只适用于非母语人士. 提高段落结构的基本知识, 写作中使用的线性顺序和语法结构. 介绍和使用写作过程:头脑风暴, 写作, 修订, 自我/同行编辑, 校对. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0059N or ESL 0559 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0600).

7级-学术写作:ESL 0079N

只适用于非母语人士. 在实践中发展先进的计算机素养, 打字, 以及运用科技的写作技巧. 结合广泛的实践过程写作为各种读者和目的(如.g.(实验报告、论文和研究报告),重点是培养流利性.  Prerequisite(s): ESL 0069N or ESL 0669 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0700).

7级-考试准备:ESL 0080N

只适用于非英语母语人士.  为ESL学生成功通过英语语言能力测试做准备. 学生将学习具体的应试策略,同时提高他们的阅读技能, 写作, 说话, 英语听力. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0069N or ESL 0669 with a grade of B- or higher or placement or placement (ESLW score of 0700)

8级-学术写作研究目的:ESL 0089N

只适用于非母语人士. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of 写作 substantive research papers or thesis. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0079N or ESL 0779 or ESL 080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLW score of 0825).


听力和口语:ESL 0017N

本课程是为非英语母语人士开设的. To aid in the development of fundamental English proficiency skills so students will be able to communicate very simple spoken commands and understand simple directions in English. 先决条件(s):放置.

听力和口语:ESL 0027N

只适用于非母语人士. To aid students in developing general listening and 说话 skills through guided conversational practice. Students will be instructed in appropriate conversational techniques and will practice in group discussions. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0017N or ESL 0117 with grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0200).

三级-会话技巧:ESL 0037N

只适用于非母语人士. 引导学生从听觉上区分元音, 辅音, 压力, 美国英语口语的节奏和语调模式. Through structured conversation students will be introduced to expressions as encountered in everyday communicative situations. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0027N or ESL 0227 with grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0300).

四级-美国文化和习俗概论:ESL 0047N

只适用于非母语人士. 介绍美国的环境和文化. Students will participate in specific listening and 说话 tasks supported with additional reading and 写作 tasks, 因为它们与实用的文化信息有关. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0037N or ESL 0337 with grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0400).

5级-学术听力和口语:ESL 0057N

只适用于非母语人士. To introduce students to the necessary listening and 说话 skills for an academic environment. 重点将放在听力和口语在各种课堂设置(讲座), 研讨会, 讨论),包括记笔记和主题理解. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0047N or ES 0447 with a grade of B- or higher or placement(ESLL score of 0500).

6级-会话技巧:ESL 0067N

只适用于非母语人士. 为学生提供结构化的对话、学习和实践. Designed for effective communication with native speakers of English in a variety of diverse settings with a focus on academic environments. 元音的发音, 辅音, 减少, 链接, 压力, 强调美式英语的节奏和语调模式. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0057N or ESL 0557 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0600).

7级-学术听力和口语:ESL 0077N

只适用于非母语人士. 引导学生掌握在学术环境中取得成功所必需的技能. Focus is on student demonstration of their ability to communicate and understand English effectively in a variety of academic situations such that they are prepared for integration into general education courses. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0067N or ESL 0667 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0700).

7级-考试准备:ESL 0080N

只适用于非母语人士. 为ESL学生成功通过英语语言能力测试做准备. 学生将学习具体的应试策略,同时提高他们的阅读技能, 写作, 说话, 英语听力. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0067N or ESL 0667 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0700).

8级-听说:学术成功英语:ESL 0087N

本课程是为非英语母语人士开设的. 强调提高演讲技巧, 特别是发音, 以及解决与研究生成功相关的问题. Prerequisite(s): ESL 0077N or ESL 0777 or ESL 0080N or ESL 0780 with a grade of B- or higher or placement (ESLL score of 0825).