

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



你想提高你的英语水平吗? The 英语学院 offers classes for language learners of all skill levels. We want to help you to read, write, speak and listen in English with confidence.

  • 提供全日制和非全日制课程
  • 提供阅读、写作、口语/听力课程.
  • Students do NOT receive academic credit for these courses; however, students may receive a certificate of completion for all ESL coursework completed.
  • 大多数签证持有人都有资格入学(联系 (电子邮件保护) 有关资格问题).


  • 每8周必须报读三门课程.
  • 有资格获得 校园房屋 if you intend to go on for a degree program at OU or if you have already applied to a degree program at OU.
  • 必须参加四个为期8周的学期才有资格参加假期学期.  


  • May take one, two or three ESL courses per 8-week term depending on regulations of visa type.
  • 需要的时候可以休假.


  • 可以每学期选修一门ESL课程吗.
  • The end date of the visa must be after the last day of the final exam of the term of attendance.



你准备好开始攻读学位了吗? The Global Achievement Pathway Program (新闻出版总署) is for undergraduate applicants who meet all academic requirements for full admission but who have slightly lower English proficiency test scores. In 新闻出版总署, a combination of ESL courses and academic courses will be taken. 另外,你有资格住在校学生宿舍. 


一学期全球成就衔接课程(新闻出版总署 - 1)

第一学期的出勤率, students will take 12 academic credits and two level 7 ESL classes. Students must earn a B- or higher in their level 7 classes; the student will take only academic classes in subsequent semesters.

Applicants can qualify for the one semester program with the following English proficiency test scores:

  • 托福:69 - 78(最低16分)
  • 雅思:6.0分(最低分段分5分).5)
  • PTE学术:48-52
  • Duolingo English Test: 95 out of 160 after July 15, 2019 (38-47 out of 100)

全球两学期成就衔接课程(新闻出版总署 - 2)

第一学期的出勤率, student will take 4 academic credits and four ESL classes at levels 6 and 7. 学生必须在6级和7级课程中获得B-或更高的成绩.  在新闻出版总署的第二学期, the student will take 12 academic credits and two ESL classes at level 7.  Students must earn a B- or higher in their level 7 classes; the student will take only academic classes in subsequent semesters.

Applicants will qualify with the following English proficiency test scores:

  • 托福:62 - 68
  • 雅思:6.0
  • PTE学术:44 - 47
  • Duolingo English Test: 90 out of 160 after July 15, 2019 (30 – 37 out of 100)
要申请,请转到Future 本科生
  1. 申请十大菠菜台子本科学位.
  2. Submit all required documents including English proficiency test information.
  3. 如果符合条件,申请人将被接受为新闻出版总署的学生.

Enhance your education by spending one or two semesters at 十大菠菜台子!  The 美国海外学期项目(尽快) is for international graduate and undergraduate students who wish to study abroad for credit at 十大菠菜台子 and experience all OU has to offer including the convenience of living right on campus - the safest campus in Michigan.

尽快 is also for international individuals who are changing careers and need to take courses in a new field of study before applying to graduate school, and for those who wish to improve their chances of getting into a degree program by taking courses for credit at 十大菠菜台子.

  • Enroll full time--12 credits at the undergraduate level or 8 credits at the graduate level
  • 收到正式成绩单和结业证书
  • Learn about future academic and career possibilities in the United States
  • 与你所在领域的教师和导师建立联系
  • 使用所有大学设施-娱乐中心, 图书馆, 学生活动, 讲座, 体育和更多
  • 探索底特律大都会区和加拿大
  • 工程
  • 计算机科学
  • 艺术与科学
  • 业务
  • 健康科学
  • 教育
  • 本科 students should hold at least sophomore standing at their home university and be in good academic standing.
  • 研究生必须完成学士学位.
  • All students must meet university English proficiency standards to take academic classes only; otherwise, they will take two ESL courses in addition to either 12 credits at the undergraduate level or 8 credits at the graduate level.
    • 修所有的学术课程:
      • 托福网考:最低79分
      • 雅思:6.5最低
      • PTE学术:最低53分
      • 多邻国英语考试:100分只限本科生)
    • 参加学术课程和ESL支持课程:
      • 托福网考:69 - 78分
      • 雅思:6.0分(各部分得分均不低于5分).5)
      • PTE学术:48 - 52
      • 多邻国英语考试:95分(只限本科生)

有兴趣成为尽快的学生? 请查看 尽快的时间! This is what you need to do from completing the appropriate 应用程序 through starting classes at 十大菠菜台子.

要申请,请访问 本科招生 应用程序 然后选择"我希望继续从事其他本科工作(第二学位), 教师认证, post-bachelor, 额外的大/小, 美国海外学期项目(尽快), 等.)."

要申请,请访问 研究生招生 应用程序 并选择“我有兴趣成为一名尽快非学位学生”."



Non-matriculating J-1 exchange students have the option of taking up to three courses (4 CEUs each) in speaking and listening comprehension, 阅读和词汇发展, 与其他国际学生一起学习写作和句子结构.

  • 每学期最多可以获得12个OU学分.
  • ESL课程每学期8周.
  • Students must take the ESL online placement test before registering for English language classes. 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 为了进入测试.
  • Free workshops are offered to ESL students on a variety of topics to enhance students' learning.

Do you want to improve your confidence using English in an academic setting?  阅读, 写作, speaking and listening in another language at the university level requires students to have have a high level of proficiency.  If you find yourself spending a lot longer completing assignments than the domestic students in your class, or if you just want to continue to build your English proficiency skills for success in an academic setting, 参加一两三节ESL课程!


ESL 0077N - 7级-学术听力和口语:  只适用于非母语人士. Guides students toward mastery of the skills necessary to succeed in the academic setting. Focus is on student demonstration of their ability to communicate and understand English effectively in a variety of academic situations such that they are prepared for integration into general education courses.

ESL 0078N - 7级-阅读和词汇发展  只适用于非母语人士. Designed to help students refine reading skills and strategies for academic purposes. 强调批判性分析和细读技巧.

ESL 0079N - 7级-学术写作:  只适用于非母语人士. 在实践中发展先进的计算机素养, 打字, 以及运用科技的写作技巧. Combines extensive practice in process 写作 for a variety of audiences and purposes (e.g., lab reports, essays and research reports) with an emphasis on developing fluency.


ESL 0087N - Level 8 - Listening and Speaking: English for Academic Success:  针对非英语母语人士. 强调提高演讲技巧, 特别是发音, 以及解决与研究生成功相关的问题.

ESL 088N - 8级阅读和研究词汇  只适用于非母语人士. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of reading and comprehending substantive research papers or theses. Emphasis will be on critical thinking skills and vocabulary development. 

ESL 0089N - 8级-学术写作研究目的:  只适用于非母语人士. Designed to aid graduate students with the tasks of 写作 substantive research papers or thesis.




(248) 364-8803