

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843



十大菠菜台子在伦敦的为期两周的教师主导的项目. 英格兰都铎王朝 will be offered as a Summer II course with the first four weeks on campus followed by two weeks in 英格兰. 的 course explores the establishment of the Church of 英格兰: why did the Tudors establish their own Church for 英格兰, 以及它与基督教其他分支的比较? Visit the most important centers of Anglican Christianity and the British dynasty from 温莎城堡 to St. 保罗大教堂.

课程: 2050年:英格兰都铎王朝 (4 credits) This course is only open to students in the 荣誉学院. 非荣誉学院的学生可以申请十字与皇冠项目. 

计划的日期2024年8月5日- 15日 (旅行 本课程的一部分与皇冠与十字课程同时进行。.

申请截止日期: 3月1日(2月1日之前申请奖学金)

兰德尔·D. 恩格尔,基督教研究主任



大家好,我是恩格尔教授. 我真的希望你能考虑今年夏天和我们一起去伦敦. I think one of the distinctives of this study abroad opportunity is that we are only gone from 12 to 14 days so you can keep your summer job. 我们住在伦敦的公寓里. We see all the major sites so you don’t have to pack a suitcase and get in a bus every day. 这也是一次没有语言障碍的国外旅行体验. 所以,我认为这就是它与众不同的地方,我希望能看到你们.

You can potentially get a lot of scholarship money for your trip if you apply on the 十大菠菜台子 website. 通常, the due date is March 1 before you go on your trip and there’s a couple questions about yourself and a couple essay questions. I recommend applying for as many scholarships as you can on the Oakland website. 如果你是十大菠菜台子荣誉学院的学生, you can get additional money through the 十大菠菜台子 荣誉学院 的y have a separate scholarship application on their website but definitely apply for as many as you can and good luck in getting scholarships towards your trip.

我们参观了许多古老的教堂、宫殿、档案馆和博物馆. 我在空闲时间参观了战争教堂的房间. 我们得去看看兰贝斯的档案. 我们看到了很多古老的圣经,古老的文物. 我看到了本杰明·富兰克林的签名原件. 所以,如果你想和. 恩格尔,他是个很酷的人. 我想你会喜欢这次旅行的. 我强烈建议这样做.

所以,博士. Engle as a guide is quite frankly the most fun tour guide that I’ve ever had. 我妈妈最好的朋友是一位历史学家. 恩格尔拿了蛋糕. You go through all of these London sites and he just knows like the most tiny little kind of like Easter egg details and you stay back for what he calls his colorful commentary, and it’s just hilarious and it’s so fun and you learn so much more hearing it from him as opposed to hearing it from some guy stationed in a room.

准备工作很简单. 我们每周见一两次,持续了几周. 然后我们去了伦敦.

大家好!. My name is Jacob and last summer I had the chance to go with Professor Engle to London, 英格兰, for his Cross and Crown trip and I have to say it was not only one of the highlights of my year but also it was one of the highlights of my academic experiences in general. 作为一个英语爱好者和专业, being able to go to places like Westminster Abbey and to see burial or memorial sites for some of my favorite authors and poets and writers was a super cool experience that I really enjoyed doing and I can’t recommend traveling anywhere with Professor Engle enough.

所以,这非常简单. 你只要走. 它不需要很复杂. 出国留学也很容易.


学生们将作为一个团体飞往 伦敦,英国的首都 和英国, 然后换乘公共汽车到肯辛顿, 这是一个繁华的地区,也是伦敦最独特的社区之一. travel experience will immerse students in English culture and encourage analysis of 英格兰’s ecclesiastical development after completion of the classroom experience on OU’s campus. 

学生们在附近呆十天 帝国理工学院这是伦敦的一所公立研究型大学. 它的历史始于阿尔伯特亲王, 维多利亚女王的配偶, 是谁发展了他的文化区域愿景,包括 皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅维多利亚, & 阿尔伯特博物馆、自然历史博物馆和几所皇家学院. 的 帝国理工学院 is within walking distance from tube stations and in close proximity to all things Tudor: St. 詹姆斯宫,兰贝斯宫,威斯敏斯特宫和白厅. 汉普顿宫和温莎城堡都是很短的火车车程.

旅行从莱斯特一日游开始,然后参观 博斯沃思田野和博物馆亨利七世和理查三世的战场. Journey to Hampton Court, inspiration for Meadowbrook Hall, southwest of London. Return to London in and visit Lambeth Palace, the private chapel of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

有导游带领学生参观议会的幕后. 参加圣. 保罗大教堂,并在格鲁吉亚饭店享用下午茶. By train to Cambridge and a walking guided tour of city sights influenced by the Tudors and the Church of 英格兰 is topped off with the Choral evensong in King’s College. 

亮点包括 伦敦塔 tour with treasure hunt on Tower Hill followed by an evening lecture and performance at the Globe 的atre. 观看卫兵换岗 温莎城堡在圣. 乔治的教堂. Visit the grave of Henry VIII and Queen Jane Seymour, and tour of Westminster Abbey.

课程结束后,学生们从伦敦返回密歇根. 有些学生选择留在欧洲独自旅行.


要求: 平均成绩不低于3分.0是必需的. Students who don’t meet the GPA requirement may still be eligible and should speak with OU’s 国际教育 Office prior to applying.

课程: 2050年:英格兰都铎王朝 (4 credits) 的 course is only open to students in the 荣誉学院. 非荣誉学院的学生可以申请十字与皇冠项目.

学生将通过荣誉学院注册该课程. 没有先决条件. 

的 course is taught by OU faculty and consists of lectures with course-related excursions.

都铎王朝课程于夏季二开设. 课程的前半部分, 在校园演讲和阅读, provide historical background of the Tudor monarchy that enables the students to understand and analyze cultural development of 英格兰. 的 second portion of this course provides a vivid travel experience with immersion and encourages analysis of 英格兰's cultural development.

Journaling and daily meetings will guide this understanding and analysis.

的 course may benefit History, English, Political Science, Music and Religion majors.

This course will survey the events that brought the Tudors to the throne, 以及英格兰从中世纪进入早期现代世界.  Particular focus will be given to the Tudor establishment of the Church of 英格兰, 伴随着英国的宗教改革, 民族国家的发展, 君主制, 英国文学和音乐的蓬勃发展.


在伦敦, the students will be housed double occupancy in a hotel near 帝国理工学院 in Kensington. 

每日包括全套英式早餐. Students will be responsible for other meals and can purchase lunches and dinners independently at any of the many restaurants, 餐馆, 该地区的咖啡馆和酒吧. 一些最著名的当地菜肴包括约克郡布丁, 炸鱼薯条, 香肠和土豆泥, 惠灵顿牛肉和太妃糖布丁.



You will be charged for these credits on your eBill at your normal rate of tuition.


To be paid to OU on our MarketPlace payment system and includes: housing and most meals, 在英国期间的地面交通和所有短途旅行, 还有健康保险.


You will need additional funds for these expenses not covered by program fee. 数额是估计的.

奖学金和经济援助: You are able to use financial aid to cover your full cost of attendance to this program (tuition, 项目费用及额外费用). 奖学金也可以通过你的留学申请获得.