The Research Office


icon of a calendarNovember 8, 2022

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Dr. Zissimos P. Mourelatos
Dr. Zissimos P. Mourelatos (left), distinguished professor of mechanical engineering, 被授予弗兰克·吉布林终身成就奖, Innovation and Engagement Town Hall on Nov. 3.

十大菠菜台子研究办公室向十大菠菜台子的几位教职员工颁发了奖项,以表彰他们在研究期间的杰出研究和主动性, Innovation and Engagement Town Hall, which was held on Thursday, November 3. 受新冠肺炎疫情影响,今年以虚拟方式颁发了该奖项.

“研究办公室的核心重点是支持需要外部资金来开展研究和学术活动的教师,” said Dr. 大卫·斯通,健康科学和哲学教授,公开大学研究副校长. “这些奖项旨在表彰在当今竞争激烈的环境中获得外部资金所需的高水平努力和成就.”

This year’s award categories included:

• Frank Giblin Lifetime Achievement Award, 该奖项旨在表彰十大菠菜台子教职员工在其职业生涯中取得的显著研究成就,并以奥克兰市大学科学博士的名字命名. 以表彰他在眼科研究所的杰出工作. The award was presented to Dr. Zissimos P. Mourelatos,杰出的机械工程教授,他获得了4美元.8 million in external funding over his career.

Dr. Mourelatos得到了许多汽车和科技公司的资助. 他于2003年1月加入OU,在通用汽车公司有18年的经验&在加入公开大学之前,他曾在密歇根大学安娜堡分校兼职教学/研究. He has graduated 21 Ph.D. students at OU. 他的作品发表在许多书籍、论文和报告中. Dr. Mourelatos is a fellow of ASME and SAE.

Dr. Marouane Kessentini
Dr. Marouane Kessentini

• Researcher of the Year Award, 哪个奖项能表彰在财政年度内获得最多竞争奖助金的教员, was presented to Dr. 公开大学计算机科学与工程教授兼主席Marouane Kessentini说. Dr. Kessentini今年获得了超过200万美元的研究经费.

Dr. 为了支持他的工作,Kessentini已经获得了美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)和美国能源部(Department of Energy)的多项资助奖. 他目前还与国防部和地面车辆系统中心有一个100万美元的项目. He also runs a new NSF Industry-University Research Center.

• Most Active Research Award, 哪个奖项是颁发给在财政年度内获得最多新补助金的教员, was presented to Dr. 公开大学计算机科学与工程教授兼主席Marouane Kessentini说.

Dr. Kessentini已经获得了美国国家科学基金会关于人工智能和软件工程的六项研究资助. 他还从能源部获得了100万美元的OU网络安全中心资金, 以及美国国防部/地面车辆系统中心提供的100万美元资金.

Dr. Colin Wu
Dr. Colin Wu

• Xiangqun Zeng Most Active Grant Seeker Award, which was presented to Dr. Colin Wu, associate professor of chemistry at OU. 该奖项颁发给在该财政年度提交最多奖助金提案的教员. 吴教授在2020财年提交了六份提案, applying to NIH, NSF, the American Heart Association, and the American Cancer Society. This award was recently renamed in honor of Dr. Zeng, who has won the award for the past four out of five years, and has submitted nearly 50 proposals in that time.

• Outstanding Junior Investigator Award, 哪个奖项授予在财政年度有显著研究成就的早期职业教师. The award was presented to Dr. Colin Wu, associate professor of chemistry at OU. Dr. Wu received $981,000 in funding, 包括美国国家科学基金会颁发的著名的NSF CAREER青年研究员奖. 在这项资助和美国心脏协会的资助下, 他的目标是了解DNA是如何在分子水平上修复的.

In particular, Dr. 吴对环境破坏之间的基本关系感兴趣, DNA, and heart function. DNA damage is caused by environmental toxins, such as prolonged exposure to the sun, cigarette smoke and other pollutants, and stress.

• Outstanding Research Department Award, which was presented to the Department of Chemistry. 该奖项旨在表彰在财政年度获得最高研究经费的部门. This year, the Chemistry Department has over $3.科研经费300万元,支持重大项目10项.

In addition to the awards, Dr. 史stone亦介绍了其他部门在今年采取的一些措施和取得的成就, including:

•生物科学系今年提交的提案数量最多, with 31 total proposals.

•化学系有75%的教员提交了提案, 使之成为提交提案比例最高的部门.

“今年,我们还想表彰与研究室相关的委员会主席,” Stone said. “Committee work can be difficult and time-consuming, and doesn’t always get recognized or appreciated. 然而,保持这些委员会的运转对研究基础设施至关重要. The regulatory committees help faculty navigate laws, regulations, and guidelines relevant to research processes; protecting both investigators and the university. 其他委员会促进学生的研究和关于负责任的研究行为的讨论. 这些主席中有些已经任职多年,有些是新加入委员会的. Many have served or are serving on multiple committees. 他们都勤奋地与教师和管理人员一起工作, leading with patience, wisdom, diplomacy, and efficiency, 监督标准操作,处理问题和新流程的实施.”

更多的信息可以在年度研究报告中找到, 它每年秋天发布,并提供前一年赞助项目和活动的详细信息. The report can be found on the Research Office website at

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